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When and Where
  • April 1, 2020
  • Virtual

The RV Industry Association has been hard at work representing our members and the interests of the RV industry during the current coronavirus crisis. With information changing on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, our team is here to bring you the latest information on the virus and how you can protect your employees.

Join us at 8:30 am ET on Wednesday, April 1, for a 90-minute, webinar with Dr. S. Jesse Hsieh, MD, for medical insights on the COVID-19 virus and how to protect the health of your employees and your company. Dr. Hsieh will cover 3 main areas:

  1. Medical primer on COVID-19 (such as the real facts about which masks work, social distancing and how long the virus remains on surfaces and in the air)
  2. What are the real statistics (why does the death rate vary so much by country, what are the hot spots and who is most at risk)
  3. How can businesses safely return people to work (government directives and how to allay employee fears)

Dr. Hsieh is the Chairman of the Board of Beacon Health System, a billion-dollar organization with 5 hospitals and more than 7,000 employees and professor at both the Indiana University School of Medicine and the Notre Dame MBA/EMA programs. He has been featured in national publications for medical excellence in caring for multiple generations of families over his 30 years of experience.